Acknowledgement and Appreciation: Key Drivers for Re-engaging Your Workforce
In today’s competitive and rapidly evolving workplace landscape, one truth stands out: employees care about more than just a paycheck. They want respect, a sense of purpose w
Shocking News: Employee Engagement is Terrible
Employee engagement has hit an 11-year low after another 3% dip in Q1 2024. It’s a downward trend that should sound the alarm—this is a growing issue that companies can no long
Why Employee Engagement is Important: 8 Ways to Increase Engagement
Employee engagement is on a continued decline. Q1 2024 has already seen a 3% dip with 17% of employees actively disengaged. 3% may seem insignificant, but it accounts for 4.8 milli
Challenges Of Managing Multi-Generational Teams: 8 Major Obstacles And How To Overcome Them
The adoption of a tailored approach to people in a particular management or organization with, different career goals, communication styles, rewards, and recognition is considered
Building A Resilient Team Thriving In A Fast-Paced And Uncertain Environment
Managers have become so habitual to automation and machines that they expect every task to be done quickly. In fact, employers look for candidates who can work in a fast-paced envi
Team Work and Team Building: Do You Know the Difference?
Have you ever been assigned to work on a software development team to build a new mobile application? You might have a bunch of other very talented people working together(develope
Teambuilding Strategies for Different Generations: How to Manage a Multi-Generation Workforce
Gone are the days when the workforce was dominated by millennials who were happy with pizza Fridays and a week’s worth of paid time off. Now, the global hiring market is taking a
Building a Team That Thrives with the Power of Positive Company Culture
Let’s paint a picture. Imagine an office where employees are working under loads of stress and afraid of making even simple mistakes. Bosses micromanage employees by constant
How a Company Culture Expert Can Elevate Your 2024 Executive Conference
We all want to be better leaders and have a better culture. Right?! The question you need to answer, is where do we focus? What changes and focus will actually create something bet
The Benefits of Employee Training and Development
A company cannot run without employees. And wouldn’t you want employees who are motivated to grow and improve while working? That’s where employee training and development come